Guidelines to Authors
The Indian Journal of Dryland Agricultural Research and Development (IJDARD) is a peer-reviewed bi-annual publication of Indian Society of Dryland Agriculture since 1986. It publishes records of original research in different disciplines of agriculture pertaining to dryland, rainfed or limited water application conditions. Invited articles from renowned scientists, summarizing the existing research on a particular theme or topic, will also find a place. Short communications based on one year's data containing outstanding original research information are also accepted for publication. All the authors of accepted articles must be members of the Society.
Manuscripts, (one soft copy + two hard copies) written in English should be sent to the following address:
Chief Editor
Indian Society of Dryland Agriculture
Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture
Santhoshnagar, Hyderabad-500059
Andhra Pradesh, India
The article(s) submitted for publication must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. The data should be of recent origin preferably not older than 5 years. The Editorial Board does not accept any responsibility about the authenticity of the facts printed in the journal as the information published is based on the opinion expressed by the authors.
Submission of manuscripts and conditions of acceptance: Manuscripts, written in English should be sent to the Secretary Indian Society for Dryland Agriculture Research and development, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, P.O. Saidabad, Hyderabad-500 059, Telangana, India. Except in case of invited articles contributions from the members of the society will be considered for publication in the Journal. At least one of the authors must be a member of the society. It is also understood that the authors have obtained approval of the Head of their Department/Faculty/Institute in cases where such approval is necessary.
Preparation of manuscripts:
General: Contributions should be as concise as possible and generally should not exceed 4000 words including tables and illustrations. In short, aim at a concise style. Large bodies of primary date are unlikely to be accepted.
Typescript: Manuscripts should be typed on one side of the bond paper/good quality paper of 22 cm x 28 cm and double-spaced. Number all pages consecutively in the top right hand corner, including those containing the list of references, but not those devoted to tables and figures, which should be collected together and placed after the text. The Chief Editor and the publisher do not accept the responsibility for loss of, or damage to the manuscripts and the authors are, therefore, advised to retain copies of materials communicated .No editing or material changes in the proof stage will be permitted unless the authors pay the extra cost involved.
Contents: All full length papers should have the following heads and may be organized under: Abstract, Introduction (without heading), Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Acknowledgements (if any) and References. However, short communications should have no sub-heading.
Title: The title should be short, specific and informative. It should identify the content of the article. The name(s) of author(s) should be written on the next line after the title of the paper followed by address of the institution where the research was done. Change of address should be given as footnote.
Abstract: The abstract written in complete sentences generally should contain a very brief account of the materials, principal results and important conclusions. It should not have references to literature, illustrations and tables.
Introduction: The introductory part should be brief and limited to the statement of the problem or the aim of the experiment .The review of literature should be pertinent to the type of work. At the time of first mention of every organism, cite the complete scientific name (genus, species and cultivar where appropriate) along with authority. If vernacular names are used they must be accompanied, when they first appear, by the correct scientific names. Latin names should be underlined or typed in italics.
Materials and Methods: Should include relevant details on the nature of material, experimental design, the techniques employed and the statistical methods used. For well-known methods citation of reference will be sufficient.
Results and Discussion: The results and discussion should preferably be combined, to avoid repetition. The results should be supported by brief but adequate tables, or graphic or pictorial material wherever necessary. But the table and graphics should not reproduce the same data. Self-explanatory tables should carry appropriate titles. Mean result with relevant standard errors and experimental variability (eg. Coefficient of variation) should be arranged so that the tables would fit in the normal layout of the page. All weights and measurements should be in metric units. The discussion should relate to the limitations or advantages of the author’s experiments in comparison with the work of others.
Illustrations: These are expensive to print and their number should be kept to a minimum. Illustrations, which are of good quality and are essential for a clear understanding of the paper can be accepted. Line drawings should be clearly drawn in black India ink on smooth but tough paper. These should of the size: width 12 cm x height (Preferably 9 cm, to a maximum of 18 cm). Figures meant for reduction should have multiple dimension of the above size. Line drawings and photographs should have legends, which should also be supplied on a separate sheet. They should preferably not be folded or creased.
References: A recent issue of the journal should be consulted for citation of references in the text as well as at the end of the article. In the text, the references may be cited as: Randhawa and Singh (1983) or Kanwar et al. (1982). At the end of the paper list references in alphabetical order of the author (s) name(s) and use the style as the guidance given below in most anticipated situations (adapted from: ICRISAT Style Guide, Revised edition from 1985):
Journal Articles:
English language articles:
Sanster, A.G. 1978. Silicon in the roots of higher plants. Am.J. Bot. 65(9):929-935
When only English title is available or possible to reproduce:
Rebertse, P .J. 1978. [The adaptability of grain sorghums under South African cultivation conditions]. (In Af. Summaries in En. Fr.) Agroplantae 10(2):21-27
When only original title is available:
Saint-Clair, P.M. 1980. Effect del’age et des conditions de croissance sur la resistance a’ la desiccation de cultivars de sorgho grain. (In. Fr. Summaries in En. Es.) Agronomic Tropicale 35 (2): 183-188
When both English and original titles are available:
Rosolem, C.A., Nakagwa, J. and Machado, Jr.1980.[Effect of top dressing fertilizing for grain sorghum on two oxisols].Adubacao em cobertura para sorgogranifero em dois latossolos. (In Pt: Summary in En.) Revistr Brasileir de Ciencia do Solo 4 (1): 44-49
Entry with editors and edition:
Lyons, J.M., Graham, D. and Raison, J.K. (eds.) 1979.Low temperature stress in crop plants : the role of the membrance. 2nd edn. New York, U.S.A.: Academic Press 565 pp.
Complete proceedings:
Ahmadu Bello University, 1980. Proceedings of the 4 th NAFPP Workshop on Sorghum, Millet and Wheat, 14-16 Apr’980. Samaru, Nigeria, Samaru Zaria, Nigeria: Ahmadu Bello University. 318 pp.
Huffman, K.W., III. 1978. The effect of environment on seed development in sorghum. Ph.D. thesis, Texas A & M University, College Station Texas, USA. 89 pp.
Annual Reports:
Complete report:
ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics). 1983. Annual report 1982. Patancheru, A.P. 502 334, India : ICRISAT. 440pp.
Publications ‘in press’:
A journal article accepted by the journal’s editor :
Soman, P. and Peacock, J.M. (In press). A laboratory technique to screen seeding emergence of sorghum and pearl millet at high temperature. Expl. Agric.
A book chapter, similarly accepted for publication but not yet published
Communicate separately for each paper. Editorial Board takes no responsibility for facts or the opinions expressed in this journal, which rests entirely with the author (s). The copyright of the paper belongs to the society.